Saturday, 11 January 2020

The JNU Imbroglio

[1/11, 21:24] As forwarded by Prof. M M Pathak: How many of the JNU laureates have distinguished themselves in the domain of academic excellence is a matter of intense debate. It is, however,  beyond the shade of any doubt that many of its alumni have earned enough distinction in the arena of political buffoonery in India. The vandalism and anarchy, euphemistically known as political activism, have transformed this premier university into an intellectual wasteland. Political activism and intellectual degeneration are twins because a university is the nursery of knowledge and wisdom, not an amphitheatre of politics.The JNU imbroglio is symptomatic of a national crisis: the crisis of leadership. In any modern and successful democracy, the political and intellectual streams of leadership must be complementary to each other. In India, the political and intellectual elites appear to be at the loggerheads. The political leadership lacks the charisma to inspire. The intellectual leadership lacks the character and wisdom to influence. The JNU neurosis is the consequence of this deadly combination.
[1/12, 09:56] rpsingh1965: Right description of the JNU brand Prof Pathak. It may also be added that
Leftists or rightists, both are moron extremists and always vitiate the national, social and global ambiences for their cynical & selfish ends. Middle path in terms of Progressive Socialism is the real solution in the socio-economico-technosphere. It is similar to 'मझ्झिम निकाय' ( middle path) of Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam, Compassion to all creation and Humanity as Dharma in spirituo-social sphere. Too much intellectuality of right or left ultimately leads to loss of mass wisdom and degeneration of the nation & society towards obscurantism, discrimination and false progress.
[1/12, 10:47] rpsingh1965: There is a concrete proposal that this intellectual wasteland should not be in extremely costly location of Delhi. It must be shifted to some cheapest desertlike wasteland of the country with a proper name of some non political real scientist or thinker for fresh, natural air & ambience. Else the infighting of left & right extremists is bound to destroy this so called great institution.😟😟😟😟

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